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Cutting Tools for Any Job

When it comes to the products at Sheinberg Tool Co., Inc., we merge quality with durability to offer the finest selection of cutting tools and abrasives for professionals who never compromise on precision and performance. Our commitment since 1957 has been to supply you with the tools that not only meet but exceed your project needs. Whether you’re a contractor, construction worker, industrial professional, or an avid DIYer, you’ll find exceptional quality and great prices here.

carpenter using electric circular saw

High-Performance Cutting Tools

From clean cuts to complex shapes, our array of cutting tools is sourced from the industry’s most respected brands because we always partner with the best in the business, and so should you. Our selection includes state-of-the-art products designed to tackle the toughest materials with ease and accuracy every time. We offer:

  • Drill Bits
  • Taps & Dies
  • End Mills
  • Reamers
  • Thread Files
  • Annular Cutters
  • Band Saw Blades
  • Hole Saws
  • Router Bits
  • Carbide Burrs
  • Circular Saw Blades
  • High-Speed Steel & Carbide

Brands We Carry

Grinding Metal

Durable Abrasives

We understand every material demands a unique abrasive solution. That’s why our collection of abrasives is as diverse as your projects, featuring leading brands renowned for their quality and innovation. You’ll find products where efficiency meets longevity in the aisles of our showroom. Whether prepping a surface, grinding down welds, or putting the finishing touches on metalwork, our tools guide your project to perfection. Our selection includes:

  • Grinding Wheels
  • Flap Discs
  • Cutting Wheels
  • Hones
  • Sanding Discs
  • Power Brushes
  • Sanding Belts
  • Hand & Power Brushes

Brands We Carry

Unmatched Expertise and Customer Service

When you choose Sheinberg Tool Co., Inc., you’re not just buying a tool but gaining an ally in the industry. With a 32,000 sq. ft. showroom featuring essential and unique tools, we ensure you find exactly what you want. And if it’s not in stock by chance, our promise is simple: We’ll get it for you.

Shop a Broad Selection of Tools