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Awesome staff... great service... tools tools tools... and hardware too.

Kenneth Sowell

Convenient but dam those prices are MARKED UP!

Ricardo Garza

Great experience with this company and salesman Carmen. She was a pleasure to do business with, and had the equipment I needed without needing to order anything. Sheinberg will be my first choice in future tool investments.

Joshua Parker

They have whatever tool you need if not they can special order it. I LOVE THIS PLACE.

Lupe Deleon

If only I had known about this store sooner!! I stopped in today after calling around for the better part of an hour looking a particular cutting fluid. I finally called Sheinberg, which wasn't showing on Google for some reason and spoke to a guy who actually knew what he was talking about! I was so blown away I drove down there right away and I am so glad I did. ACTUAL TOOLS!!!! ACTUAL GUYS WHO KNOW TOOLS!!! I found more made in USA labels than I ever have in one store! To the people who complain that its more expensive its obvious you have NO idea of what it takes to run a retail store. Want to look at it, ask a person what it is? Well that takes money and that money comes from a very fair and reasonable added cost to the item. I will be buying ALL tools from Sheinberg Tool Company from now on. Thanks for running a real tool store the right way!

Earth Chunks

I’ve purchased several Milwaukee tools here, great selection and they do everything they can to help you out. My last visit, I needed an old school tool, a slug wrench. The floor man had me follow him into the warehouse where they were on a wall display. I felt like I had stepped inside the gun library at Cabela’s.

James Kratzer

They have a vast assortment of tools and supplies. Personnel are great and have been very knowledgeable on their products. Thanks!

Troy G

Great place to get tools and supplies, especially if you need a specialty item. Selection is very good. Staff is knowledgeable and helpful. If you make a living using tools Sheinberg needs to be on you radar.

Josh Smith

Ive bought thousands of dollars worth of tools in just the past 2 years from these guys and they are the best as far as I’m concerned. They have the BEST !!!! selection by far. Look forward to purchasing alot more whenever im down here working.

Kevin Whitaker

So many tools not enough money.

Antonio Trevino

Love this place they have everything and anything. Employees are on top of their game. For people thinking or saying they are over priced you get what you pay for.

Jesse Guerra

I purchased a rather pricey generator from these guys and it broke within 6 month. Sheinberg replaced it with a new one under warranty. Very pleased with this.

Windy Pool

Good place to get you out of a bind and cheap.

Carlos Reyes

Grown man's toy store. Lots of tools.

John Denson

Always great service and helpful staff.

Kevin Moon

Excellent service ! SHEINBERG TOOL is where you can find all your needs.

Michelle Sanchez

Great place. Has everything!

David Ocker

This is like the man of all man's store.

Derek “Slingshot” Sampieri

Shop a Broad Selection of Tools